About the Accident Prevention Network

The Accident Prevention Network produces and distributes information on accident prevention to the public. The materials for accident prevention are available for free and can be ordered and used by professionals in fields such as social services, health care, education, rescue services, and training, as well as by those involved in volunteer activities.

Accidents are prevented through collaboration

Various organizations and authorities have been working together on accident prevention since 1993. The home accident prevention campaign, known as the “Kissa campaign,” was transitioned to the Finnish Red Cross as the Home and Leisure Accident Prevention Project in 2015.

In accident prevention work, the network is also responsible for coordinating safety campaigns aimed at the entire population, such as the Stay Upright campaign and Accident Prevention Day. The work and campaigns involve a broad network of societal actors, including some private sector representatives. The network’s activities are based on the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health’s Programme for the Prevention of Home and Leisure Injuries 2021-2030, which includes 89 measures focusing on injury prevention at different life stages.

The Accident Prevention Network produces various materials for both individuals and professionals. These materials can be ordered for free from the Finnish Red Cross online store.

The Accident Prevention Network has developed a training program on home and leisure accident prevention. The aim of the training is to increase knowledge about accident prevention and provide tips for safer daily living. The “Arjen turvatunti” online training can be completed anytime and anywhere, with no prior registration required. The “Safety Coach” training is approximately six hours long, providing participants with information on accident prevention and skills for organizing safety information sessions on accident-related topics.

The Accident Prevention Network

The Accident Prevention Project is coordinated by the Finnish Red Cross. Additionally, the network includes:

Read more

  • Campaign Materials

    Here you will find materials from the Accident Prevention Network’s campaigns related to Accident Prevention Day and the Stay Upright campaign. The material is freely available, but please remember to credit the source.

  • Download Material

    You can download materials such as safety checklists and guides and print them for yourself. The materials are available in Swedish and English by switching the language on the website. Russian, Arabic, and Somali checklists can b…

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