Regular and versatile physical activity plays a key role in preventing falling and slipping. It is also important to ensure versatile nutrition and sufficient hydration and rest. It is a good idea to discuss the up-to-dateness of any medication and their side effects with your doctor. Also have your vision checked regularly. Intoxicants predisposes you to various types of accidents, so you should avoid them.
Select your shoes according to the weather. It is a good idea to use studded shoes or anti-slip devices if the ground is slippery. It is a good idea to place a seat in the hallway for taking off and putting on your shoes. At home, it is important to ensure that the hallway, any passageways and stairways are unobstructed and adequately illuminated. Anti-slip devices effectively prevent fall accidents, and it is a good idea to put them on the stairs, under carpets, on the bathroom floor and in the tub, for example. Support handles can also be helpful.