Using intoxicants and drying laundry in the sauna are both risk factors in sauna accidents.

Too high temperatures are not good for the elderly
The elderly might want to avoid the top bench in the sauna. Climbing poses a risk of injury, and they should also avoid too high temperatures. High temperatures can, for example, cause your blood pressure to fluctuate and make you faint. Sufficient intake of liquid (water) in the sauna is also important for everyone, but especially for the elderly.
Handrail increase safety in the sauna
When placing handrails in the sauna, follow the safety instructions of the heater and place the handrails securely at least 0.5 metres from the heater. Handrails increase safety in the sauna: if you slip or stumble, the rail protects you from burning. Handrails around the benches help you move around more safely. A wall-mounted climb rail, on the other hand, helps you climb up to the benches and descend safely. Handrails should be installed firmly in the sauna. Also ensure that they hold.
Proper lighting in the sauna also enhances safety.
If your sauna is small, a normal stove may be replaced by a flat, wall-mounted soapstone stove to save space. Some electric stoves are also designed to lower the surface temperature. If you have a wood-burning stove at home, be careful when using it and take the temperature of the hatch and the hatch handle into account when loading the stove with firewood.
Water vapour can cause bad burns
When throwing water on the sauna stove, keep as far away from the stove as possible. If you get a small burn, cool it down in cool water for ten minutes (see First aid for a burn). You can cover a small blistering burn with a loose, clean bandage or a special bandage intended for threating burns. If the burn gets infected or is deep, seek medical attention.
Do not dry laundry in the sauna
The sauna stove should under no circumstances be used to dry laundry. The stove is very dangerous if clothes fall on top of it. Plastic lines and hangers cannot withstand heat. Plastic cords stretch when they heat up above the stove, and clothes can come into contact with the stove. This may cause a fire.
Avoid drying anything in the sauna at other times as well, as you might forget your laundry in the sauna when the stove is turned on. You should not install any drying racks or hooks in the sauna.
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Fire Safety
Fires often start from unattended cooking, careless smoking, or children playing with matches. Fires can be prevented by being careful and by supervising flames and electrical appliances while they are in use.
Safety Checklists
Home, cabin, and child safety can be improved with small changes. Using safety checklists, you can assess how safe your environment is. You can also share the results of the tests on social media.
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