Iäkäs pariskunta kävelyllä syksyissä maisemissa.


For the elderly, the most common types of accidents are falls and tumbles. The consequences of accidents for older adults are often more severe than for younger individuals. An accident in old age might, for example, make it more difficult to manage at home independently.

Falling is the most typical type of accident among older people. Older women tend to have falling accidents more often than men, but men are more likely to die of the injuries caused by falling.

It is important to remember that the cause of a fall must always be identified so that preventive measures can be appropriately targeted

Often, the effects of accidents are more severe for older people than for younger people. An accident may make it more difficult for older people to manage living by themselves, for example. An older person’s risk of falling and the general safety of their home should be assessed: is moving about at home safe, and are items in order and easily accessible when needed? Accident risk can be significantly reduced through alertness during everyday life and even small changes that improve safety. The changes to an older person’s home should be made in co-operation with the resident, whenever possible. There are various home safety devices available for older people, such as safety stoves, support rails and mobility aids. The risk of accidents can also be reduced by taking care of your health and ability to function, which are built on regular and diverse exercise and nutrition, suitable medication and maintaining a positive mood. 

Avoiding unnecessary haste and maintaining cleanliness and organization at home are simple ways to prevent accidents.

Read more

  • Home Safety

    Each year, over 300,000 accidents occur in homes. Even small actions can improve home safety and prevent accidents. It is also a good idea to have a first aid kit in every home.

  • Types of Accidents

    Most accidents occur at home and during leisure time. Accidents at home and during leisure time cause significantly more sick leave than work-related accidents. Sports injuries are the most common type of accident. (STM, 2013.)

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