Working-age people

Physical and mental health, sobriety, a lack of hurry, attentiveness, and the use of safety products also help prevent accidents among adults.

Poisonings caused by alcohol, medication, drugs and mixed use of these are the primary cause of accidental death among the age group 25–64. Falling is the fourth most common cause of death in this age group. Most fall injuries occur during leisure time, in sports and other activities, at home or during a commute. Adults’ accidents can also be prevented through physical and mental well-being, refraining from consuming intoxicants, avoiding rushing, carefulness, and the use of the safety equipment. Despite the safety risks in many workplaces, the number of occupational accidents is significantly lower than the number of accidents at home and during leisure time. At home, most accidents have occurred during cooking, the second most during maintenance, repairs and construction outdoors, and the third most during heating, maintenance and repairs indoors. Adults’ accidents at home and during leisure time can be better prevented by following the same safety measures both at home and in the workplace.

Read more

  • Home Safety

    Each year, over 300,000 accidents occur in homes. Even small actions can improve home safety and prevent accidents. It is also a good idea to have a first aid kit in every home.

  • Types of Accidents

    Most accidents occur at home and during leisure time. Accidents at home and during leisure time cause significantly more sick leave than work-related accidents. Sports injuries are the most common type of accident. (STM, 2013.)

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