Checklist for the elderly and their family members

Iäkäs mies katsoo kiikareilla kaukaisuuteen.

Moving about at home

Maintaining functional capacity

Fire safety

Moving about outdoors

Driving and driving condition

Other preparedness


Save the numbers on your phone:

  • emergency number 112 or
  • the 112 Suomi mobile app if you are using a smartphone. Can you use the app?
  • Poison Information Centre 0800 147 111 24h (free of charge)
  • number of a health centre, health counselling or hospital emergency services
  • numbers of family members
  • number for home care

Do you have sufficient first aid equipment at home and do you know how to use it?

Never disclose your online banking credentials or payment card number to anyone via e-mail or if someone asks for them, even if it is the police.

Change the battery of your smoke alarm once a year if it does not have a 5-year lithium battery, for example.
