poika laiturilla perheen kanssa veneilemässä pelastusliivit päällä hymyillen

Drowning accidents

In Finland, 100 to 150 people drown each year. Swimming skills and good water safety practices provide the freedom to move in water, by the water, and on ice throughout the year.

In Finland, 100–150 people drown every year. The ability to swim and good water safety skills allow people to enjoy waters in various seasons. Most drowning accidents could be avoided with an appropriate attitude towards safety, alertness and preparedness: wearing life jackets correctly whenever going boating and enjoying the waters and waterside sober. A person can drown even if the water is only a few centimetres deep, and drowning can happen in a moment. Drowning accidents can be prevented by always swimming with a friend and along the coastline so that you can stand up in the water at all times. Children should be kept within arm’s reach. 

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  • Safety Checklists

    Home, cabin, and child safety can be improved with small changes. Using safety checklists, you can assess how safe your environment is. You can also share the results of the tests on social media.

  • Download Material

    You can download materials such as safety checklists and guides and print them for yourself. The materials are available in Swedish and English by switching the language on the website. Russian, Arabic, and Somali checklists can b…

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